Friday, November 12, 2010

Three Pixie Lane

Welcome to our booth at the Shoppes at River's Edge!
I made the linen hand towel from vintage linen and brown velvet ribbon.  The English serving tray holds different letters to celebrate the season!
Well, the booth is in progress...I imagine it will always be!  We just opened November first!
This driftwood Christmas tree would be perfect for the coast or even in a beach-themed house!  I love it and it is hard to part with, but if it sells...great!
My business partner (that makes me sound so important!) Mary found this lovely pitcher and bowl!  I think I might like to have it, but I am not here to shop!
I don't much polish anything and I like the look of the tarnished vintage silver...doesn't it look pretty with the cinnamon sticks tied with baker's twine?  The details are so much fun!
Mary made the sheet music wreath from antique sheet music...the pages are over 100 years old from an old Diadem book.  Her vintage lace pillow cases hang on either side of the window panes. 
This is my version of the sheet music wreath!  While this is nothing new in blog land, it is new in our little town!  It is made with vintage Italian sheet music.  I made the 'Noel' banner from drop cloth.
Some burlap pillows inspire us to 'Believe' and are backed with vintage red and white ticking.

Our dear friend made this beautiful burlap tree skirt for our booth!  We have more coming...
We have been very busy making things, going to yard sales, getting a business license, pricing, doing is a lot that goes into a business! 
While it is hard to 'start' a business in the middle of difficult economic times, we have prayed every step of the way!  Mary found these shops and asked me, some time ago, about opening a booth.  Initially, only a large space was available.  We didn't think it was the right move, so we waited and this little space became available! 
It has been so much fun, but I am apprehensive.  My youngest daughter will start kindergarten in the fall and the plan is for me to return to pharmacy.  If our tiny business does not succeed, I am content to return to pharmacy knowing that this little dream of mine was fulfilled, or at least attempted!  I have had so much fun and am thankful for the opportunity!  Of course, I am praying that it does well! 
Thanks to all of you in blog land who have inspired and encouraged me!  I would have never tried this without the sweet encouragement that you have given!
I will take more pictures, but my four year old was hanging twine on all the decorations as seen on the driftwood tree...difficult to snap pictures and manage her!  She cut these and tied them and said she was 'helping' to decorate the shop! 

Thanks for stopping by!

I am linking up to these great sites and blog parties!


  1. It all looks great! Wish I was local to see it in person! Good luck!!!

  2. Everything looks fabulous! You've done an amazing job, I hope you are proud :)

  3. Best of luck to you and your partner. I would so love to do something like this concept. If I'm correct you run your own booth right, as in ring up the sales yourself too, right? My niece lives in rock hill and told me about this. I also have a cousin in law in lake wylie that has mentioned this place before too. I wish we had that here in Columbia, I would quickly get my license. We only have the places that you consign too or rent a booth but someone else sells everything and you pick up your check from them. Please let me know if you hear of anything similar to this through the grapevine in my area. Love the willow cake stand! Everything looks really great, looks like you are off to a great start!

  4. Love the photos of the booth and the new things you have added since my first visit. Can't wait to go back and shop! Great job "branding" your business - tags and consistent look - it will make a difference.

  5. Oh Christie!!!! I was so giddy when I opened this post and realized that I was FINALLY going to get to see what you have been working so hard on! Girl, you are amazing and it was totally worth the wait because it all looks incredible! I cannot believe that I don't get to come and snatch things up, especially that stack of black and white plates. They NEED to come home with me! :-) I am so impressed and just so thrilled that you are fulfilling this dream of yours. I pray for great success and also that you enjoy the journey! We never know unless we try, right? The fact that you carefully and prayerfully considered everything is so key and I can sense the peace that you have found as a result. That is a testament right there my friend! I hope you get some good family time and some rest this weekend. Thank you so much for sharing this with us and please keep me posted on how things go!
    Blessings to you,
    P.S. Thank you so much for your sweet comments on my last post! When I opened it up and saw your face I knew I was going to be encouraged!

  6. I didn't know you started a booth. That is the same thing I am thinking of doing. I am going to wait till after the holidays. My sister may do it with me. Love your stuff. Those burlap pillows are very cute.

  7. You've done a fabulous job.. It looks amazing.. EVerything will surely fall into palce.. best wishes and a little prayer coming your way!

  8. Congratulations on your new booth! You've done a great job! Hope you have a wonderful Holiday shopping season!

  9. Everything looks so beautiful! Love the sheet music wreath.....very pretty! Good luck :o)

  10. Christie, if you have a chance, please please please let me know how much you're selling the beautiful black and white transfer plates? You can reach me at
    Everything you did looks amazing~ hugs tami

  11. Hey Christie. It's been a while since I've seen your beautiful posts. I am so glad you are pursuing ur little dream. You are going to do
    So well . You have an eye for this sorta thing. Well, I just wanted to wish you the best. Have a wonderful weekend! much love, Lucy

  12. Christie, your shop looks lovely and inviting. All you girls opening up your own booths make me a bit envious. It sounds like a lot of fun, but I know it is also hard work. All the best with your venture. ~ Sarah

  13. ~**~It all looks so amazing Christie!! Wish I could go shop there!!~**~Hugs,Rachel ;)~*~*

  14. looks amazing !! great !!...happy weekend Ria

  15. How exciting, best of luck to you! Your shop is cute, I'm lovin' the driftwood tree:@)

  16. Christie, first, you are so talented, don't doubt yourself. The sky is the limit and your booth looks fabulous. You have a fall back plan so what's the worst that can happen? Just enjoy yourself and keep showing us these fabulous items! Best of wishes to you!

  17. Wonderful goodies displayed so well! Best of luck to you in your new venture!

  18. Looks like yor booth is off to a great start! Continued success!

  19. I wish you much success, you are truly talented! I think fellow blogger Vanessa said it best. Good luck!!

  20. Your booth looks great and you have some wonderful handcrafted items that I'm sure will sell.
    I admire you for going with your dream and opening a shop. I sometimes think about getting a space but I haven't taken the leap (yet).
    Best of luck.

  21. I looks great and I wish you much success. I would definitely loose some money if I saw your little shop. You have some great items. We love burlap in our house and I may have to make me a burlap tree skirt...that is to cute.

  22. Your new booth is lovely! You and your business partner have great style and the items are displayed fabulously! Good Luck with this venture. I too think about a booth but it's scary! Thank you for joining in with Junkin Finds Friday! I've become a follower of your beautiful blog!


  23. Everything is so pretty --Love the rolled vintage sheet music wreath with Noel. The tree skirt is great too --Oh and my little eye spied those black toile plates you had bundled. :-)
    Have a wonderful holiday season

  24. I am drooling over those beautiful transferware plates!

  25. Very creative. And hard work too! My ex daughter-in-law had an antique shop and it was very time consuming to run. Congrats on your booth. May you be very successful!! Blessings. ~Ames

  26. Hi Christie- ohhh I am so excited for you! I dream of having my own interior design/ antiques spot too and have been trying to wait out this economy as well . If I found a perfect little spot that would work,I would jump too! With what you have shown already- I am sure you wll be a huge success!!! Would love to have a friend to start up with as well makes it that much more fun! lucky you all around!! Can't wait to hear more about it!! :)

  27. Oh how I wish I could come shop in your booth Christie. Everything looks so charming (not surprisingly with you at the helm). I love your wreath with the Noel banner on it. I love that you will now have another space to display your vignette talent. I look forward to seeing more. Saying a prayer for you that whatever happens will be what is best for you and your family. Sounds like you are going into this adventure with the right attitude. Thank you for linking to Favorite Things. It was so good to see your thumbnail on the list. laurie

  28. You have done a wonderful job -- how exciting for you! Congratulations and good luck! I am sure you will do well you are so creative!

  29. Oh my goodness Christie I so want to come shop here! I see so many things that would just have to come home with me which means your darling little shop would be empty and bare...I love all of it!
    Thank you for stopping by my friend. I've been a bit remiss in blogging between family commitments and working but will soon!
    PS love those plates!

  30. Your booth looks adorable. I feel certain it will do well. You have so many interesting items, but - I can't take my eyes off those plates!!!!

    Thank you for sharing your seasonal spirit with Seasonal Sundays!

    - The Tablescaper

  31. oh my word. everything looks so fabulous. that driftwood christmas tree, that sheet music wreath, those letters! amazing, amazing, amazing.

  32. I love your booth! So many lovely, creative ideas and your prices are very good! I had to downsize my booth drastically with my cancer diagnosis, but I can enjoy yours with great enthusiasm. I wish you the very best of luck and sales!

  33. My gosh, my last comment got posted under my daughter's account since she was signed into my computer. Still, LOVE your booth. Your creativity is inspiring. Sell LOTS of STUFF!

  34. Your booth looks amazing! You sure have an eye for display. I really love the wreaths, all of those gorgeous pillow cases, and the burlap goodies, too. Best of luck!

  35. Oh my, everything is beautiful! I especially love the wreaths, and burlap is my new favorite crafting project as of late! I'm a new follower!


  36. Well, everything looks just wonderful! I wish you the best of luck on your shop! Blessings!!

  37. All of your Christmas stuff in your booth looks fabulous! I am working on getting my booth decorated for Christmas this week and it is a lot of work! You did an amazing job! I love the driftwood Christmas tree too!

  38. It looks terrific! How very exciting! I'd shop there!

  39. It looks great. I too started a booth this past September and know your apprehension so well. My youngest just started kindergarten this year. So, I am trying this dream as full time as I can with car lines and class parties.
    It all works out in the end.

  40. Where do you find vintage sheet music?! I LOVE the wreath idea! I think I'll be checking out some thrift stores looking for it now! I am your newest follower from Me Making Do. I love your creativity! I am just starting out with blogging and would love it if you would follow me back!

  41. I am sooooo happy for you! Your booth looks great. I am not surprised at all - you are so talented.

    Do NOT go back to pharmacy. Stick with the booth - you have such a gift and you'll be able to devote more time to your family.

    I've had my booth since August. It's been so much fun. Also, I've been gathering lots of inspiration and I have a good bit of it on my blog - I have a tab at the top called, Booth Inspiration. Go there - lots of links with ideas.

    Also, you were one of my favorites when I hosted the Porch and Garden Party. I am now hosting a RE- Party (as in REarrange, REdo, REpair, REwork, REfresh, RElax, etc). Please check it out and link up!!! Your posts are always wonderful.

  42. Oh my, such wonderful displays. Your booth is filled with fabulous things. Great eye candy. Love it all. Thanks so much for linking to TTT. Hugs, Marty

  43. Your booth looks fabulous!! I saw a lot of treasures I would snap up if I could really visit!! I wish you the best of luck!


  44. Christie, thanks so much for linking this up so others can take a look at all this great stuff. I am thinking about starting a booth next year after the holidays when I can breathe again. I am hoping my sister will do it with me, but not so sure she will.

  45. It looks terrific, Christie. You and Mary have truly put your hearts and souls into this endeavor, and it shows. ;)

    I hope you have great success!

    Liz @ the Brambleberry Cottage

  46. It looks wonderful. I love that tree out of cute!! Happy VTT!

  47. Your shop is beautiful! My friend(partner) and I opened our first booth in August and we are having a blast! Each month has been different and that's to be expected. Our thing right now is getting people in the shop, it's a destination shop, so I'm on a mission!
    Enjoy this time and I'm glad I found you.
    ps. I put ours on Craigslist every Thurs, Fri and Sat. I think it helps! You know it's free.

  48. This looks just perfect~ wish I could shop your little space! That driftwood tree is amazingly cute. Best of luck on your new adventure.
    ~ Sue

  49. Love that driftwood Tree!! Amazing!!
    Tammy :-)

  50. Good luck! I'm sending you tons of positive energy. I hope you suceed :)

  51. Stunning! I am especially in love with your price tags....

    Take care,

  52. Wish I could visit your booth. You have a great variety of nice things.

  53. Oh I think it looks adorable, best of luck to you in your new endeavor! If I lived near you, I'd definitely be shopping, I love your driftwood tree!

  54. It looks lovely! You are so talented. I think you will do very well. I wish I was close enough I would buy everything in your booth!

  55. I would love to visit your clever and different booth. I love everything in your photos. Keep going, you have different ideas and I love the clever items you have done. the plates wrapped look great too.
    Hugs, Jeanne

  56. Enjoyed reading your post ... the booth looks wonderful! Came by way of Thrifty Thursday ... thanks for sharing!

  57. I love the look of the burlap tied around the plates!! Such an awesome idea!

  58. Everything in your booth looks great! I hope you are having great luck. I have a booth with a friend (my business partner) and we are basically trying to clean out our homes. The flea market where we have our booth has about the same stuff that we have. Stuff we don't want, but trying to see if we can make a little profit. I call it, "MY PUBLIC CLEANING OUT." I would love to eventually have "nicer" goodies to offer, things I've made or redone, but for now, it is what it is. I hope you have a great new year!
