Friday, November 5, 2010

A Hoot

My daughter is 9 years old today!  I saw these adorable owl cupcakes here and here.  Now, I have said before, I am not much of a baker.  A box of Duncan Hines, some icing, M&M's (or Reese's Pieces), Oreos, and my own twist of cashews (optional) and you are set to make these cupcakes!  If you look at the other sites, their cupcakes are pretty.  I like 'pretty' but I can't always execute 'pretty' when it comes to baking!  I broke about a million Oreos while trying to separate the 'white' side for the 'eyes.'  This is why I decided to use white icing and fill in the, it made the eyes all white without specks of Oreo cookie, and it was useful in holding the M&M 'eyes.'  The fall colored M&M's are perfect for this project, because they have the brown for the eyes and the pretty gold for the nose.  I also tried the orange, but my favorite is the cashew for the 'beak!'  It just looks real!
We are taking these to school today to surprise her for lunch!
Happy Birthday my sweet girl, Ashlyn!


  1. These are adorable. May have to make them "just because"! Love the cashew beak.

  2. I think your cupcakes turned out amazingly. I looked at the other two sites as well, theirs are no more professional looking then yours. Great job and wonderful idea. I am sure that the kids went crazy over them when they saw them. Happy Birthday (late) Ashlyn.

  3. Oh these are just darling- I love their cute little faces!! Happy Birthday to Ashlyn! :)

  4. happy bday to your daughter, should be a hoot of a party :) i made these too for a book review on wesley the owl, i think they are adorabe~

  5. Those are so cute. You will be the best mom out there. She will be so thrilled!

  6. How cute! I love stuff like this - easy and presentable! Have a great weekend! Sandi

  7. These are the "Cutest little Owls EVER"... LOVE them and thank you for sharing!!!
    Hugs, Donna

  8. How very cute! I think you did a GREAT job on your cupcakes!! I'm going to have to try and remember this idea. :o)

  9. Oh Happy Birthday to your sweet girl! What a good mama you are going to surprise her and those are the most darling cupcakes! My sis and I are starting a Kids related series and these may just have to make an appearance. It was so fun to see a new post pop up from you and I'm sure you have been crazy busy with your "shop"! Hope you are doing well and hanging in there my friend!

  10. Hands down... That is the CUTEST cupcake I've seen in at least a year. I am trying to thing whoooooo in the world I can make these for.

    This empty nest is just no fun.
    No fun at all.
    I need some grandchildren or something.

  11. ADORABLE!! I am going to file this idea away for the future!! I love how popular owls have again become.


  12. That is a hoot!! Happy birthday Ashlyn, today is my b-day as well. How we are finding more connections Christie! You and my mom (Christie) both have daughers with b-days today!

  13. Christie, how cute and how sweet of you! Making memories girl.

  14. ~*~*LOL!! LOVE those!!! And Happy Birthday to your little girl too!!~*~*Hugs,Rachel~*~*

  15. These are adorable! Lovin' the cashew and I agree it's more realistic-enjoy:@)

  16. These are just way too cute!! And yes, the nut makes the beak. :-) Sue

  17. Too cute and yummy. My daughters are 25 and they both collect owls and they both work at elementary schools so I have a feeling I will be making lots of these. Thanks for sharing.

  18. These are so cute! My son loves owls...think I'll make these for his birthday~ Thanks!

  19. These are just adorable! I may have to make these with my girls. They would love it!!

  20. Adorable! Happy Birthday to Ashlyn :-)
