Sunday, October 17, 2010

Seeking Wisdom

"Wisdom does not spring up overnight.  It is, instead, like an oak tree that starts as a tiny acorn, grows into a sapling, and eventually reaches up to the sky, tall and strong."  Praying for My Family - A Devotion Book for Moms and Dads.

Wisdom does not come easy.  To me, it is hard work.  By God's grace, I was introduced to His Son at the age of 21.  I simply don't have the answers to the questions that glare me in the face while raising children.  Often I make decisions based on what I know from my own childhood.  I am learning to seek His word for the answers and to pray for wisdom.   So often, I am brought to my knees to pray for my children.  'Seeking Wisdom' is not idle, but boy I sure can move mountains from sittin' on my knees!  While I do not claim to have wisdom, what I do have is a desire for it.  When I dig deep, God is faithful to show himself very real to me.
If I were studying to be an engineer, I would have to take countless classes and read many textbooks.  For me, raising children presents the same awesome challenge.  If I want to do the very best job that God has called me to do, I must read and learn what the Bible says about raising children.  I have many biblically-based supplemental books on parenting, too.  Also, I am fascinated by 'times gone by' when children were children and respect for authority was seemingly natural...or at least, expected.  I watch and learn what is going on in the world today and pray for guidance, as I seek to raise my children according to His will.

Wisdom is supreme; therefore get wisdom. Though it cost all you have, get understanding.
~Proverbs 4:7

What are some lessons you have learned about 'wisdom' or from the incredible task of raising children?

I am linking this to Spiritual Sundays.  Have a blessed day!


  1. There are so many decisions and situations that drive me to my knees. Being a parent is the hardest job I have ever had. It is also the most rewarding :-)


  2. Hello Christie...we don't have i can answer you....but God is great ...and i learn about him when i was 27 my life chance !! a lot......blessings and love Ria.....

  3. Oh Christie, this is so very true and I couldn't have said it better myself. Unfortunately I was not blessed with children of my own but God did bring a man into my life (22 years ago) that had/has a daughter, now 30 and married with two boys six & four. As I watch their family I am shocked at the lack of respect for authority the boys demonstrate to their parents (and vise versa) and at times I just have to keep my mouth shut when we are all together. However, in answer to your question about wisdom; when the boys are with us (Grandma and Papa) the wisdom I rely on is remembering my own moral compass that I was raised with. It seems to bode well when we the kids are staying with us. The one thing those two little boys always remember is something we remind them of when they act out; "the reason we need to; (fill in the blank) is because we are raising men not boys". So far it seems to work well; when they are with us, they are little sweethearts:)
    Sorry for the prattly long answer but it is a thought provoking question:)
    PS wonderful post my friend!

  4. Christie, first time to visit your blog. I'm old friends /former neighbors etc. with cousin Janie Grinnell. I ,too, am shocked at the lack of respect children have for the elders and others these days. But you are in control
    ( with HIS help) of molding your children and you can teach them respect and manners and that never goes out of style! In fact, its so common today to see disrespect when I see a child still answer "yes ma'm",etc, its makes that child stand out to me,in a good way, as having been raised right! ( esp. in the South)!I'll be back to read more.
    Carol in GA

  5. Hey friend! I so needed this was very similar to some conversations we had in our Community Group at church today as we are going through a series on preparing for raising pre-teens and teenagers. We aren't in that stage yet, but this was a rough week for us discipline wise and I found myself in my son's room folding his laundry and just praying for him as I put away his little socks and undies and Lego PJ's and God reminded me that "if anyone lacks wisdom, he should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to him" James 1:5 I feel so lacking most days and I'm trying lately to remember that it is not about controlling them but about really getting into their little hearts and figuring out how to encourage them to seek direction and guidance from God in their choices. And, the same goes for me too! :-)
    Thanks for blessing me with your words today!

  6. Christie,
    I was a single parent for the first 8 years of Chickie's life. Although I had to deal with issues with my ex and his house rules, God was faithful.
    I can look back now and see how my prayers were answered. God literally raised her WITH me. He parented her alongside of me and guided me and my daughter. He ministered to her in her father's home, because I couldn't be there. Then when Chickie was 8, I met Mister, my godly, generous husband who loves Chickie as his own. A gift for both of us, an example of a godly father.

  7. Ahh! Wisdom is a blessing that comes to those who seek it from God. Is often confused by those who think they know enough to disperse it amongst others. Relying on God for direction in all things from raising your children to understanding others and situations in life is to me the very real beginning of the wisest of seekers that only improves with age, it's a continous process for sure. You sound like your on the right path to me! :) The world tells us respect should be earned, I have never agreed. I think respect of others is automatic until proven otherwise. I too worry not just for the world my children will be in but that my grandchildren will grow up in. But thank God, we can rely on prayer. Very thoughtful post!

  8. Wisdom comes through learning life's experiences...and often our own children are our greatest teachers who lead us into this Wisdom.

  9. A thought-provoking, heart-felt post!
    God bless you in your child-rearing. It is not an easy job, especially in today's world.

  10. Oh my goodness! Your blog really touched me. Thanks so much for reminding me to seek His guidance. I get caught up in wanting to do everything my way.

  11. hi christie,
    i am a new follower to your blog but an old follower of Christ. ;) we have a 22 and 24 year old that were raised to respect and love God. we aren't perfect and neither are my kiddos. it hasn't always been easy and yes, parenting is relying heavily on the Lord.
    my learned wisdom: teach AND show respect, obey God all the time, don't spoil but show a servants heart and rest assured that God is in's up to us to do what is right and leave the rest to Him.
    althought my kiddos thought i was tough with them growing up, they have sinced thanked me for being that way.

  12. I have been on my knees many of times when my daughter and son were young,now I'm on my knees for my grandchildren, and I pray that my children are praying for their children.
    God Bless and thank-you for this post today.

  13. Aaaahhh...Wisdom. Thankfully, God says that if we ask for it He will give us some of His. :) I am so grateful!
    Have a wonderful day!!!
    Love, Joyce

  14. Beautifully said Christie! I believe that you do have wisdom. When you seek God's Will, and His help and His guiding hand, you are being very wise. My children are grown and have children of their own. I still seek God's help in guiding me, my children, and my grandchildren through all of the trials that come with raising children. I hope I will always remain wise enough to know that asking for God's strength and guidance is the only wisdom I need. Thank you for this beautiful post. laurie

  15. This is a wonderful post! Little lady, I think you are very wise! Wisdom grows as we sit at Jesus' feet.

    I also enjoyed reading your profile and all the neat things you said about your family!


  16. I am your newest follower! Lovely blog!! :)

  17. LOVE...REALLLYYY LOVE this post! :) You said my feelings so well! It's so important to seek God for wisdom for our kids. Thank God for His grace when we mess it up...but I just see so many who don't even consider seeking God...Parenting is a tough job, I have no idea how anybody can do it without HIM!

  18. I sometimes wish that God would share His plan with me for my 20 year old son. He still lives at home and has a learning disability that keeps him from working or having some kind of a normal life. We are working on getting him into College. I only pray for God's direction because wisdom is the one thing we both need.

  19. OMG, I am in love with your tea picnic. Your teacups are fabulous and your set up is fantastic! Love your blog and I'm now your newest follower. Found you through French Country Cottage's blog.

    Happy Friday!
