Friday, October 8, 2010

A Feature at Miss Mustard Seed!

I am a huge fan of Miss Mustard Seed.  She offers so much inspiration and hope to those of us desiring to start a business!  Watching how her business has taken off with a 'mustard seed' of faith has been incredible!  I didn't make anything for this post and feel a bit inadequate that I even got the feature, because there were girls who really put some sweat into refurbishing some great furniture pieces!  I am currently doing two, so I know how much goes into these submissions for Furniture Feature Friday!  That said, I am so, so grateful!  Click here to check out some great makeovers of furniture pieces!  You will be inspired!  Thanks Marian!

I was looking through all of the amazing furniture posts from last week and I found something unexpected.  A furniture post that touched me...and made me teary eyed.  So, while I generally highlight Frenchy buffets, frilly slipcovers and cool paint jobs, tonight, I am going to share a piece that spoke to me. 

Christie from Three Pixie Lane shared a stunning secretary that she purchased to use as a space just for her to display pretty things. 

Her "pretties" are similar to ones I have around my home...antique books, sepia photos, a twisted barley pedestal and ironstone, but we also share another treasured collection...

...that of war letters written by our grandfathers. She has over 100 letters her grandfather wrote to his wife during WWII.  When I saw the pictures of her letters, neatly stacked on this gorgeous piece of furniture, it reminded me of the time I spent reading, scanning, and carefully sorting my grandfather's WWII letters he wrote to his mother.  He died last fall and I miss him dearly. 

I love displaying family history in my own home and it is one of my favorite "tricks" to add richness to a space.  People want to lean in and look at things that are old, personal and have lasted through generations.  

Thanks, Christie, for letting us lean in and enjoy your history. 
Thank you for being a keeper of that history.  


  1. woo-hoo congrats girl! I loved this story too :-)


  2. How cool is that Christie??!!! That was the perfect post to be featured because you offered insight not just into your furniture and home decor but into your heart as well! That is what makes all the difference to me and why I was drawn to your blog in the first place!
    Way to go my friend!

  3. Really exciting to be featured!~ congrats! That secretary is absolutely gorgeous and I love the story behind the letters. So neat that you have those. Great post! :)

  4. That secretary !!!!! is amazing ....i like that very much !!! pretty !!!.... happy weekend love love Ria..

  5. Congrats on your feature, this was a wonderful post. Your secretary is beautiful and your display is heartwarming!

  6. I felt like driving out to your house and hanging a big blue ribbon on your front door when I saw you featured on Miss Mustard Seed's blog... way to go my friend! Once again, I'm so proud of you!

  7. YEAH! I am so excited that you got recognized for your hard work. Your blog is beautiful and I am so glad that more people are getting to see what many of us have seen for years - the beauty that you create around you and most importantly the beauty inside you!

  8. Oh, wow! Thanks for featuring my feature of you. :) I really loved this piece.
