Monday, October 11, 2010

A Couple of Features!

These features are so exciting to me!  I figure that since these great sites make a button for winning, it is intended to display with the feature!  Why else would they have them, right?  So, here are some features from this week!  Hop...Skip...and a Jump!! WOOHOO!
"Next I'm bragging about this super fun Haunted Laboratory vignette, made by Christie at Three Pixie Lane. Christie used the French Apothecary image found HERE. This is only a small portion of this fabulous display, you've got to see the whole thing, it really is amazing!"

Thanks Karen for all the great images and inspiration!!
The Trendy Treehouse voted this little pumpkin display as their #10 pumpkin photo favorite!  PLEASE go see the other photos that won out of over 70 submissions...a.m.a.z.i.n.g!  Click here!  I voted for 'Pieces of me' and 'Little Yellow Treehouse!' 


My 'Dr. Jekyll's Laboratory' was also featured by The Trendy Treehouse's 'Tara and Jamie's Favorites!'

Thank you so much for the features, especially, because of the amazing photos that were submitted!   If you haven't already, check out Shutter Love Tuesday at the Trendy Treehouse.  There are themes each week to submit photos.  I have learned so much by checking out all the great submissions and incredible photography! 
This apple cider display was featured at Brambleberry Cottage for her Time Travel Thursday Party where she looks at things from the past and how we use them today!

"I absolutely fell in love with this wonderful vignette created by Kristi @ Three Pixie Lane.
Her use of vintage inspired elementscombined with apples, baskets, and flowersreminded me of the images I enjoy so much in MARYJANESFARM Magazine or in MaryJane Butters' books."

This Halloween display was also featured at Brambleberry Cottage!

"For some fabulously festive decorating ideasusing vintage findsvisit Kristi @ Three Pixie Lane.
Know what she used for her lollipop display? 
I'm not gonna tell; ya gotta go see for yourself.  ; )"
Thank you Brambleberry Cottage!  I love your different link parties and that you provide a link for DIY useful!

Thanks to ALL of you who visit Three Pixie Lane!  This little blog has been so much fun!  I am inspired and encouraged every day by all of you!


  1. So awesome! Great great creativity here!!

  2. Christie, you do create wonderful vignettes. I loved the red apple display and that spooky display is wonderful.

  3. Your work is so stunning!!!! everything on here is amazing. I have never seen your apple vignette before, wow!

  4. Christie! How awesome! You deserve it girl because you come up with some pretty amazing designs and I am always inspired by your creativity!
    Congrats my friend! :-)

  5. You deserve the recognition -you have one of my favorite blogs. I am never disappointed :-)

  6. I too am following You Christie! You are amazing!

  7. I just found your blog and so glad I did. It's awesome. Newest follower = )) Happy Friday!

  8. Truly, I could feature every single post you link to my parties, Christie. I like all of them that much. But, I've gotta spread the bloggy love around. ;)

    Liz @ the Brambleberry Cottage
