Thursday, October 3, 2013

River Birch Wreath

I love the colors of fall...rust, brown, red, yellow, orange, copper, green, and burgundy.  Fall is my favorite season!  There is just something cozy about warm wool blankets, S'mores, hot apple cider, football, tailgating, cool nights, bon fires, jeans, sweaters and boots!
I have been slowly getting ready for the season.  The River Birch wreath was made by using a grape vine wreath as the base.  I pulled some of the vine loose and then used hot glue to attach torn pieces of the birch bark pulled from our trees down near the water.

I sprayed this wooden monogram with Rust-oleum satin cinnamon spray found at Home Depot.

Initially, I hung it over my stove, but was afraid it would catch on fire.  I don't exactly have the greatest history here!  The natural colors of the bark looked so pretty against the gray travertine. 
 Before adding the monogram and moving it, I placed this little bird ornament on the wreath.
The ornament came from Hobby Lobby and the colors are so pretty for fall.
I love the cinnamon color of the monogram.  It gives the muted space a punch of loud fall color in the early morning light!

(I did a previous post about the chalkboard.  It was an old window frame from Charleston, SC.  We attached a piece of board painted with chalkboard paint.  The 'chalk holders' are drawer pulls from Pottery Barn turned upside down.)
Happy fall to all of you!


  1. I love your wonderful wreath, wow who would have thought this would make a beautiful wreath, it is so unusual and wonderful...I love it...Phyllis

  2. The wreath looks fantastic and so does the top of your blog- such beautiful seasonal photos.I wish we got different pumpkins like that here, we only seem to get the boring large orange kind! xxx

  3. Your wreath is just beautiful! What an awesome idea! Beware, Pottery Barn will be copying! ;-)

    I love the little bird on it and I am in love with your stove, I'm sure your whole kitchen is beautiful!


  4. Your wreath is beautiful! Love the natural elements to it. So perfect for fall!


  5. I LOVE IT Christie!!
    That last shot is so pretty!

  6. And Happy Fall to You! Beautiful wreath! I also love your blog pretty. :)


  7. I love the wreath and the monogram. Where did you find the monogram? I really like that touch! Also, is that a Viking range in your kitchen? If so, how do you like it? I've been pricing them.
